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Admirable Heart of Mary

Our Mission

We are on a mission to win souls for Christ by promoting devotion to Our Lady and the triumph of her Immaculate Heart through  Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary  (According to the method of Saint Louis de Montfort). 

If you are a family with young children (ages 3-12), we curated a special list of consecration books for children based off the writings of Saint Louis de Montfort so they can participate alongside you. You may consider purchasing one of the books here.
 Sign up for our next free guided email series for the 33 Day Preparation for 
Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary.
Choose a Marian Feast Day for
Your Consecration

Why You Should Consecrate Yourself to Jesus through Mary 

To become united to Our Lord Jesus Christ through the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Because Mary is the, "Safest, easiest, shortest and most perfect way of approaching Jesus"

(TD 55)

To give Our Lady complete possession of your heart, mind, body, soul, and interior and exterior possessions so that she may lead you upon the path of perfection 

To become instruments for Our Lord in the hands of Mary

What Our Customers are Saying about Our Guided Email Series


This is my third or fourth time doing the total consecration. This is the first time that I was able to do it right away each day because it was right there at my fingertips as soon as I woke up in the morning. This is the exact method of Louis DeMontfort but digital! It was so much easier to do for me! Thank you for putting out this email series!
Five Star Review.png

What We Offer

Increase Your Devotion to Our Lady and Transform Your Life

Blessed Virgin Mary. Immaculate Heart. Mother of God

33 Day Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary Guided Email Series

Music Sheets and a Cross

Online Courses
(coming soon!)

Learn More

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How you can help us spread devotion to Our Lady

Your support plays a significant role in our mission to promote true devotion to Our Lady. Here are a few meaningful ways you can contribute:


1. Pray: Your spiritual support is invaluable. Please keep us in your prayers, asking for guidance, inspiration, and blessings on our mission.


2. Share: Help us reach more souls by sharing this campaign with your family, friends, and Catholic community. Your word-of-mouth can have a powerful impact.


3. Donate: Every contribution, no matter the size, directly supports our efforts to foster devotion to Our Lady, cover our start up costs and continue our mission. You can make a donation here on givesendgo or down below on the donation form.

4. Shop our Products: Explore our range of products in our shop here. Your purchases there also contribute to supporting our mission

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