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FAQs for Total Consecration Guided Email Series


Why sign up for this email series vs. doing it on your own?

Accountability, encouragement, and prayers!​


You will be guided day by day to prepare yourself for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. With daily emails you will have helpful reminders to prayerfully devote time to your preparation. Additional helpful tips and encouragements will be sent throughout the 33 days. You will also benefit from knowing other Catholics are doing this with you and are praying for and with you. 


When you sign up you will receive:

  1. Steps and strategies you need to get started and set yourself up for success

  2. 33 Days of Prayers and Meditations delivered daily to your inbox

  3. A special series of practical applications put together by our team to help you to stay focused on the theme of each week


Who is this for?

This is for every person on earth, especially those who want to grow deeper in their faith and devotion to Jesus Christ. By entrusting our entire being to Our Lady she will lead us to deepen our relationship with Christ.


Do I need a book?

No. If you would like to use the emails as reminders but prefer a hard copy booklet you may purchase one from our store here


What if I’ve already done the Consecration in the past? Is this still for me?

Yes, absolutely! Your devotion to Mary can always grow deeper and stronger. Why not dive a little deeper into the prayers and meditations and renew your commitment and consecration to Our Lady? She will certainly reward you with many graces and draw you closer to the Sacred Heart of her Son.


These prayers and meditations are oriented towards adults. I have young children, can they participate?

Yes, most certainly! Here is a link to a delightful children’s book based upon Saint Louis de Montfort’ writings that you can use with your children to help them make their consecration alongside you. 

*This page contains affiliate links.

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